Victoria is a practitioner of traditional Chinese acupuncture, a system of healthcare based on Chinese medicine principles that has been developed, researched and refined for over 2,500 years. She graduated from Salford University with a first class honours degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture in 2006 and underwent further training at the First Teaching Hospital, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin, China. Whilst in China she observed doctors in the hospital using acupuncture alongside Western medicine across outpatient and inpatient clinics from neurology to paediatrics, and attended lectures from the leading consultants at the hospital.
Victoria is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), which is the leading governing body for traditional acupuncturists in the UK. When making a diagnosis Victoria focuses on the individual person, not just their illness. She looks at the patterns underlying the symptoms and tries to discover the root cause of the problem. Treatment then aims to restore the balance and trigger the body's natural healing response, improving overall wellbeing as well as relieving symptoms.
Over the last ten years Victoria has completed postgraduate training in fertility and obstetrics and has had experience with many different conditions from musculoskeletal problems, women's health, digestive disorders, male and female fertility issues, headaches and migraine, chronic fatigue to mental and emotional issues including depression and anxiety. She always works with kindness and professionalism to aid patients on the road to recovery.